Windows & Office Lifecycle Support Information

95 98 ME 2000 XP Vista 7 8 8.1 10
Office 95 [7]
Office 97 [8]
Office 2000 [9]
Office XP [10]
Office 2003 [11]
Office 2007 [12]
Office 2010 [14]
Office 2013 [15]
Office 2016 [16]
Office 2019 N/A

Numbers in superscript represent build numbers. Although versions of both Windows and Office were released prior to 1995, we have included only the versions designed for graphical releases of Windows in our chart. Office XP is the last version of Office that works on Windows NT 4.0 (SP6).

Orange means the version of Office is not officially compatible with that version of Windows but can be made to work on it albeit with potentially impaired functionality in certain scenarios; you are advised to do your homework in this case and determine if your needs will still be met as certain programs may not work at all and, as always, your mileage will vary. Office 97 will (mostly) work on Windows 7 if UAC is disabled and the 16-bit installer is used. Office 97 has also been reported to work in Windows 10 and Office 2000 likewise works in Windows 7 although to be installed on Windows 10 properly there may be certain steps you need to take. Although Office 2003 is not certified compatible with Windows 10, it will still work just fine. Keep in mind that even if a certain cell is green, you may or may not need to have at least a certain service pack.

Deprecated & Removed Office Components

The Microsoft Office Picture Manager is not available in Office 2013 and later. Office 2010 was the last version of Office to include it; however, Picture Manager is also available as an optional component in the free Sharepoint Designer 2007 (it's freeware as of 2009). You can download SharePoint Designer 2007 free from Microsoft. Also noteworthy is that OneNote as a traditional Office application has been discontinued in Office 2019. InfoPath is no longer included in Office as of Office 2013.

And of course, if you don't like the ribbon (or Fluent User Interface) in Office 2007 and later, then you should use Office 2003 or earlier.

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